As we approach the upcoming reorganization of the Republican County Party across Indiana, I want to take a moment to give you the resources for the key details, including caucus rules and bring to your attention that there were more updates to the party rules (Dec. 2024 update).
County Party Reorganization & Caucus Rules
The reorganization process is an important part of ensuring strong leadership and effective operations within the party.
As outlined in the latest Rules of the Indiana Republican Party, the county, congressional district, and state committees will undergo reorganizations as follows:
County Committee Reorganization: First Saturday in March following each presidential election year. (Rule 4-7)
Congressional District Committee Reorganization: Second Saturday in March following each presidential election year. (Rule 5-8)
State Committee Reorganization: Second Thursday in April following each presidential election year. (6-21)
The Caucus Rules can be found in the Party Rules Appendix under Appendix D.
The caucus rules will govern the process for filling leadership positions and any necessary ballot or office vacancies. These rules include:
Candidates must file the required forms at least 72 hours before the caucus.
Voting will be conducted by secret ballot, and a majority is required for selection.
If no majority is reached on the first ballot, the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated, and another round of voting takes place.
In the event of a tie, the chair may call for additional ballots or cast the deciding vote if necessary.
Please refer to the latest Rules of the Indiana Republican Party (December 17, 2024) for full details on caucus and election procedures.
Call for Reorganization Letter
If you are a Precinct Committeeman or a Vice-Precinct Committeeman you will be getting a letter from your current County Chair with information on time and place for the reorganization caucus. (Rule 4-7)
Candidate Recruiting
If you or someone you know is interested in running for any of the 4 county officer positions: County Chairman, County Vice-Chairman, County Secretary or County Treasurer make sure you are familiar with qualifications to be a candidate (Rule 4-11).
The Reorganization Section in the party rules starts at Rule 4-7.
This section has valuable information for all Precinct Committeeman and Vice-Precinct Committeeman to review as well.
As a candidate it is recommended that you get the list of PCs and VPCs and call them, introduce yourself and ask them for their vote.
Updated Party Rules
If you have copies of the Indiana Republican Party Rules saved make sure that you have the updated version from the state party website.
Get Involved & Stay Engaged
The strength of our party starts with you—our dedicated members and leaders. Your voice and participation are essential as we move forward.
Whether you plan to run for a leadership position, participate in the caucus, or simply want to stay informed, your engagement is invaluable.
Thank you for your commitment, leadership, and service. Let’s continue working together to uphold our shared values and ensure a bright future for our party and our community.